Espresso is your shortcut to a hot hit!

The best way to test a theory and get key metrics: find out you CPIs really quickly!
A team that loves making games
Get product and marketing expertise at any stage of your game's life cycle: from ideation and early testing to product analytics, monetization, ASO, product marketing and promotion, localization, and global scaling.
Boost the KPIs and metrics of your game with Espresso!
Get the important metrics and make informed decisions. Espresso automates prototype testing and delivers CTR, CPI, and RETENTION metrics transparently to help understand the best possible next steps.
A place to test all of your game ideas
Spend less time testing and more time creating fresh ideas with Espresso.
We value our relationships
Espresso is personalized, flexible and adapts to the needs of any developer.
Discover a hit in 3 steps
1. Submit your game
Fill in 5 fields with game details and team info.
2. Test the prototype
Login, connect the SDK, and start the test.
3. Validate your idea
Get the marketing and product metrics and make the next steps. You're awesome!